If there is one thing all website owners and bloggers agree on is the need for regular, fresh content. However, that is easier said than done, particularly if you want to stay true to providing genuinely great content. Now, though, an explosion in free ai writing tools means writers and content creators may be able to mitigate some of this. The rise of ai corresponds with the fear of the technology wiping out certain jobs like writing. Writers, musicians, artists, accountants, anything that an ai tool can do feels like it is under threat. But what if we could harness the power of ai to streamline your content creation process?

Thankfully, website owners and bloggers struggling under the load of creating regular content there are ai writing tools that may help. You can literally have your own ai writing assistant! While we do not recommend publishing ai generated content verbatim, these tools can still be used top great effect. For example you could use ai writing tools to generate ideas or to spark your inspiration on a topic. You can also use the tools for generic pages on your site such as terms and conditions pages, or contact forms. With that in mind, here is a brief look at 3 ai writing tools that website owners and bloggers can use to improve their content creation productivity:


Since the release of ChatGPT by Open AI in November 2022, ai fever has taken over the world. Many users flocked to the site to try it out. There were mistakes and funny responses that went viral. However, over time ChatGPT has emerged to be a useful tool for online content creators, writers, and marketers.

Users can try ChatGPT for free, although you have to register on the site. This tools does a decent job of producing written content. However in our opinion the text is usually slightly off grammatically. ChatGPT also tends to use unnecessary words, so your work may be to just trim its sentences. The ai also struggles with long-form articles and usually produces copy under 500 words better. Perhaps this is understandable since these are free ai writing tools. Overall, Chat GPT is a good way to generate ideas, or the initial content for your next topic.

We will reiterate again that any content the tool creates should not be published verbatim. Using ai writing tools does not mean inputting information and then copy and pasting it into your website! However with careful editing and/ or rewriting chunks of writing, the content can be tweaked and made more human. Still, at the moment nothing beats a human formulated and written idea.

2. Copy.ai

Lesser known but another ai writing tools that writers can try for free. Copy.ai is similar to ChatGPT but the platform also offers other tools that bloggers can use. For example, in addition to creating new content, users can also repurpose existing content. This also means the ability to localise content, as well as updating copy with new developments. Think turning content ideas into long form blog articles for example. The platform’s different workflows will even suggest new use cases for your content. There are different use cases such as thought leadership, or SEO content.

Although some of the features mentioned above may only be available with paid memberships, it does present Copy.ai up as a strong contender for use by content creators. You could use it to magnify any fresh content you write, as well as freshen up the existing text on your website.

3. Ryter

Last but not least is Ryter. Ryter is an ai writing generator that aims to learn the tone of voice of members in your organisation. The platform does this by analysing samples of writing by different authors. The ai can then create new content in the ‘voice’ of your CEO for example, or your weekly blog writer. This is a great way to differentiate your content and keep it unique.

In conclusion we can see that ai writing tools are here to stay. In addition to the above, there are dozens of other ai writing ai writing tools like Chat GPT, Copy.ai and Ryter. The excitement and curiosity around ai means that the technology can either be feared or harnessed. At TECH365 media we are tech-curious and so are exploring ways of utilising ai writing tools in our workflow. We understand that creating copy can be onerous and time consuming. As a result, using ai writing tools can seem like a no brainer.

However we should end with the caveat that we still believe that nothing betas good old fashioned human written blog post! Ai cannot yet mimic the feeling or insightful thought you may be looking for. And we’re not in the business of producing content just to fluff up your website or blog. Hopefully, neither is anyone reading this. So for fresh, human written content that entertains, informs, or converts why not reach out to TECH365 media and try our website content writer services?

3 AI Writing Tools to Help Improve your Content Creation Productivity
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